
Student Consumer Information

This comprehensive list serves as a centralized guide to publicly-disclosed consumer information, including specific policies and procedures, and disclosures required by the Higher Education Act, accreditation and licensing standards, career outcomes information and various regulations.

Information provided is for all campuses and locations unless otherwise noted. For many of the listed items, you will be referred to information available in locations and documents posted throughout the 花椒直播 (JWU) website. Additional Student Consumer Information for Online Students is available . If an item of information is not accessible via an online JWU resource or if you require assistance or have any questions regarding the information provided, please contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email at Annette.Cataldo@jwu.edu or by phone at 401-598-1402, where you will then be directed to the person who can best assist you.

NOTE: For career outcomes information, refer to the Student Outcomes section below.

Notice Regarding Disease and Other Information

1. 花椒直播 (JWU) Health and Safety Measures Cannot Guarantee Safety. 花椒直播 is committed to taking all reasonable steps to try to ensure the health and safety of its community. But it is impossible for JWU — and, indeed, most other institutions — to guarantee anyone’s immunity from exposure to and infection with contagious disease, including but not limited to COVID-19, and all related consequences, which could be severe.

Students who will be or are enrolled at JWU may participate in or make use of, as the case may be, any one or more of the following associated with JWU: (a) activities; (b) athletic or sporting competitions, practices/trainings, or teams; (c) classes (including laboratories or lectures or other class formats); (d) clubs or other student organizations; (e) events; (f) facilities (such as dining halls, fitness centers, libraries or museums, lounges, and other common areas); (g) field work, internships, or other similar experiential experiences; (h) living arrangements (including residential housing); (i) programs, and (j) shuttles and other modes of transportation (collectively, “Program” or “Programs”). 

By enrolling at JWU and participating in any one or more Programs, students knowingly and voluntarily assume the risks associated with any other past, present, or future infectious diseases, including but not limited to, the risk of: (i) exposure to or infection with such diseases; (ii) exposing or infecting others with such diseases; (iii) self-isolation or quarantine; (iv) missed activities, courses, events, internships, or programs and associated loss of credits or delayed graduation; (v) economic loss; and (vi) emotional, mental, or psychic harms or physical injuries, including but not limited to brain or bodily injuries, illness, loss of limbs, permanent disability, or death (collectively, “Disease Risks”).

Participation in certain of the aforementioned Programs may increase students’ Disease Risks. For example, certain athletics or sporting competitions, practices/trainings, or teams may require closer contact than other Programs, and field work, internships, or other similar experiential experiences, which may require interaction with those outside the JWU community, may also increase students’ Disease Risks.

2. No Contractual Obligation by JWU Respecting Any Particular Program. 

A. Nothing herein (or anywhere else) creates, or shall be construed to create, any sort of contract or contractual obligation by JWU to students to offer any particular program, and nothing herein prevents JWU from altering, changing, or modifying any particular program. For example, health or safety concerns could result in certain Programs being cancelled, postponed, or terminated.

B. Solely for avoidance of doubt, the tuition and fees students pay JWU will not be discounted, irrespective of any changes in the manner or mode of learning or changes to any program (including revision, postponement, or cancellation of same) at any time during the academic year; the manner or mode of learning could include on-ground learning, remote learning, or a combination of the two; it could include fewer classes or restructured classes; and it could include changes mid-semester (as just a few examples of possible changes).

C. Please understand that JWU, like other schools, is subject to multiple factors outside of its control, including but not limited to effects stemming from COVID-19 or other diseases and applicable local, state, and federal law and guidance related to said pandemic, which factors could significantly alter, limit, or curtail JWU’s operations.

Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

The university annually distributes to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information that is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and as required by the Higher Education Act. For a copy of this notice, contact Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402.

General Institutional Information

Privacy of Student Records − Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

Student Diversity − Enrollment by Ethnicity

University and Campus Fact Sheets

Price of Attendance

PA Program Cost

Student Refund Options (Cash Management)
花椒直播 delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. for refund management.

If you would like additional information, contact .

College Navigator Website
The US Department of Education’s online search tool for consumers which provides basic, comparable information designed to be a source of reliable data for students and their families:

Net Price Calculator
Plan for Educational Costs with JWU’s Net Price Calculator. New, full-time undergraduate applicants or prospective students can use our Net Price Calculator to estimate and plan for educational costs at JWU’s Providence and Charlotte campuses:

Refund, Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Information

Textbook Information

Educational Program

Academic Program Review Process

Instructional Facilities

Faculty − Degrees and Credentials

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements List Domestic and International
Articulation Agreements List Physician Assistant Program

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

Student Complaint Processes by State
For a complete list of relevant state agencies within the U.S., please refer to the (PDF).

Copyright Infringement − Policies and Sanctions (including Computer Use and File Sharing)

Student Involvement & Leadership − Student Activities

Career Services and Experiential Education
Career Focus

Additional Career Services Information

Teacher Preparation Program Report (Title II Compliance)

As a state-approved program leading to certification, 花椒直播’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program complies with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. As required by Title II of the Higher Education Act, the Secretary of Education has prepared an annual report for Congress and the public on the preparation of teachers. The annual reports are provided at and include supplemental tables. Individual state reports for current and previous years may also be accessed via this same website.

2023 Title II Report for JWU: National Teacher Preparation Data (PDF)

Student Financial Assistance

Assistance Available From Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs
See various links provided on this page for details regarding these programs.

National Student Loan Data Center (NSLDS)
Loan Status and Repayment Option Information (via safs.jwu.edu)

Federal Student Financial Aid: Drug & Alcohol Notice
The university annually distributes to all enrolled students a notice regarding the drug and alcohol abuse prevention program.

Based on a U.S. Department of Education change in requirements, a student no longer faces penalties or suspension of Title IV aid due to a drug conviction that occurred while the student was enrolled and receiving Title IV aid.

For a copy of this notice, please contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402.

Student Loan Information

Health & Safety

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Additional information regarding the university’s drug and alcohol abuse prevention program and policy and the results of the biennial review of the institution's program is available upon request. Please contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402 for this information.


Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics, Crime Log, Emergency Response, Evacuation Procedures, Timely Warning Procedures, Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics, Fire Log and Missing Student Notification Procedures (See Annual Security Reports and Annual Fire Safety Reports for this information):
 (includes Annual Security Report)
 (includes Annual Security Report)

Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Hearings

Upon written request, the university will disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or a nonforcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the university against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or the offense, the information shall be provided upon written request to the next of kin of the alleged victim. Written requests should be sent to Student Conduct, 8 Abbott Park Place, Providence, RI 02903. For more information, contact 401-598-2885.

Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Sexual Violence and Relationship Violence Policy

Student Outcomes

Student Achievement and Success (Retention and Graduation Rates: First-time, Full-time Degree-seeking Students)
Providence (90K PDF)
Charlotte (77K PDF)
College of Professional Studies (140K PDF)

Career Outcomes Information (Bachelor’s Degree Graduates)
Providence (150K PDF)
Charlotte (150K PDF)
College of Professional Studies (150K PDF)

Types of Employment and Placement Information

Please contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402 for this information.

Retention Rates, Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act) and Cohort Default Rates
For each of these above items, use the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics search page:

For information or data inquiries regarding other items or statistics (including disaggregated data), contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402.

Average Student Loan Debt
The average amount of loan debt for a student completing a four-year degree or a graduate degree at JWU can be found in the Catalog. Choose the Undergraduate or Graduate tab, as applicable to locate this information:

Graduate and Professional Education Placement for Graduates
Please contact Financial Aid Analyst Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402 for this information.

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)

This searchable database consists of athletics data that are submitted annually as required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) (via a Web-based data collection), by all co-educational postsecondary institutions that receive Title IV funding (i.e., those that participate in federal student aid programs) and that have an intercollegiate athletics program:

Athletic Information:



For a hard copy of the Providence or Charlotte EADA report, contact Annette Cataldo by email or by phone at 401-598-1402.

Voter Registration

In compliance with the Higher Education Act, JWU provides voter registration information to students. Any person who is a United States citizen and will be 18 years old as of the next election is eligible to register to vote. Please utilize the below resource to get voting information.

Download voter registration forms and voting information via the United States Election Assistance Commission:

If you are already registered and want an absentee ballot, contact your County Board of Elections in the county/state where you are registered.

Text Messaging (SMS) Terms and Conditions

花椒直播 may provide you with an opportunity to opt in to receive text messages on your wireless telephone. By opting in, such as by texting OPT IN, START, SUBSCRIBE, YES or OK to the relevant number, you consent to receiving JWU texts at the applicable telephone number, including Short Message Service (SMS) messages.

Text messaging will be used to provide information on admissions information, financial aid, housing, upcoming events and announcements, and other university matters. Subscribers will receive no more than 10 messages a month; message frequency varies. Text messages may be sent by an automatic telephone dialing system and/or artificial/prerecorded voice messages. Your opt-in consent applies regardless of your inclusion on any state, federal, or other do-not-call lists. Consent is not a condition for receipt of any good or service or enrollment in or attendance at the university. You agree to notify the university in writing if you change, drop, transfer, or otherwise surrender any phone number(s). Carrier charges may apply. Terms and Conditions apply.

By opting in, you accept and agree to be bound by the 花椒直播 Privacy Policy and any and all applicable terms and conditions, and you consent to the processing of your information as set forth in the Privacy Policy.

You also agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  • Please consult your mobile service carrier’s pricing plan to determine the charges for sending and receiving text messages.
  • How to opt out: You can opt out from future messages at any time by texting STOP, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT or STOP ALL to the relevant number from your mobile phone. You agree that if you request to opt out from future messages, we may send you a one-time opt-out confirmation text message.
  • How to get help or support: To get help or more information text HELP to the relevant number.
  • This text messaging program may not be available on all wireless carriers. The program is currently available for nTelos, AT&T, Sprint/Nextel, Carolina West, ClearSky, Cellcom, Virgin Mobile, Spire, Boost, Cincinnati Bell, T-Mobile,* MetroPCS, Interop, U.S. Cellular. The university may add or remove any wireless carrier from this program without notice.
*Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.