

The following contain answers to some of the questions our parents and families frequently ask, broken out by topic.

For more detailed information, the is a primary source of information for parents and students alike.


Why do new students have to take placement exams?

All new students must take placement exams in order to ensure placement in the correct level in Mathematics and English. This ensures that each student gets off to a good start.

How many absences from class are allowed? What if my student exceeds those with an appropriate reason?

Individual faculty define the specific role that class attendance plays in the calculation of final grades for each course. Students should consult the course syllabus and course instructor for specific faculty policies on attendance and make up work within a course.

Lab sessions require maximum student participation. All absences, regardless of reason, are recorded and may affect the student’s overall evaluation. Excessive absences are defined as “one absence” and may result in withdrawal from the laboratory segment by the instructor.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify Student Academic & Financial Services of any courses they wish to drop from their schedule, as well as any intent to leave the university. Discontinuing attendance or notifying an instructor does not constitute an official course or university withdrawal.

Is my student assigned an advisor in the school or college he/she attends?

Each college assigns advisors at the beginning of a student’s enrollment. Students can identify their faculty advisor by going to jwulink and viewing their Graduation Planning System (GPS). Their advisor will be listed there.

Are there services available to students who have disabilities?

Students with disabilities should set up an appointment to meet with a special needs advisor who will assist the student in obtaining appropriate services. These advisors are found in the Center for Academic Support, located on the 4th floor of the Academic Center.

Is there someplace where my student can go to receive academic tutoring or help in developing study or test-taking skills?

Students can visit our Center for Academic Support, which is located on the 4th floor of the Academic Center.

As a parent, will I be notified of my student's grades?

Federal law prohibits universities and colleges from providing this type of information to parents without the written consent of the student. A parent’s best source of information is their student.

Students’ grades are available to them through the jwuLink. In order for parents to have access to their student’s grades, the student must grant access through jwuLink or by signing a FERPA release form that allows the university to share this information with the parents. Students have access to grades throughout the term through ulearn and access to their final grades through the jwuLink.

Why is full-time status important? What exactly is full-time status?

Often, it is vital that students maintain full-time status for insurance company policies, external scholarship standards, financial aid purposes, and University course completion standards. Full-time status is determined on a term-by-term basis and requires the minimum scheduling of 12.0 credits each term.

In most cases, insurance companies and external scholarship foundations require students to maintain a full-time schedule in order to be included in the parents' or guardians' policy.

In order to be eligible for financial aid, students must be enrolled on a half-time basis or more; however, students who are scheduled for less than 12.0 credits will have their financial aid (federal, institutional or state) adjusted. Students who receive JWU-sponsored academic and/or merit scholarships must maintain a full-time schedule. Financial implications of less than full-time status should always be discussed with a representative in Student Financial Services.

The university advises students to schedule 13.5-18.0 credits each term in order to meet course completion standards and graduate on time. In compliance with the standards of our accrediting agencies, students are required to complete associate degrees within three years (nine terms) and bachelor's degrees —including associate degree coursework, if required— within six years (eighteen terms). Undergraduate day students are allowed to schedule a maximum of 19.5 credits each term.

While it is ultimately each student's responsibility to make sound academic decisions, a variety of university support resources are available to all of our students. Faculty advisors help students with career and degree program direction. Additionally, counselors in Student Academic Services can assist students with their academic choices and scheduling of courses.

What are the consequences of falling below full-time status?

There are several. First, if a student is receiving financial aid, it will be adjusted and any merit or academic scholarships will be revoked. Second, if a student athlete receives a grade of W, P, or NC in a course, that course will no longer count towards full-time status for NCAA athletic eligibility. Finally, insurance companies and scholarship foundations frequently require students to maintain full-time status.

Avoid these problems by discussing the importance of proper scheduling with your student. Make sure that he or she is in frequent contact with an academic advisor, who is there to provide assistance and support.

Residential Life

Is there a housing requirement for 花椒直播 Charlotte students?

Yes. All new students are required to live on campus during their first two years of enrollment at the Charlotte Campus. Exemption categories include transfer students, international students, students who are married/single parents, students 21 and over, and students who live with an adult relative within 50 miles of the campus.

Are there residence halls that are reserved for first year students only?

First-year students comprise the majority of our traditional residence hall space (Cedar Hall North & South). Returning students comprise the majority of our on-campus apartment complex, City View Towers.

When are room assignments released to new incoming students?

Housing applications and room selections are completed online. In early August, the university sends out official housing packets, which include students’ assignment and roommate information.

What does my student need to bring with him/her to live in the hall?

For itemized lists of what (and what not) to bring, see Residential Life.

Are the residence halls equipped with internet connections? Cable?

Yes, the rooms are equipped with the jacks for internet, as well as a cable connection; however, all materials needed to use these services will need to be provided by the student.

How will my student reserve his/her room and roommates as a returning student?

Returning students who desire to live on campus have an opportunity to apply for a room and specify a roommate choice during the winter term. Information regarding this process will be posted on campus and emailed to their student email account. A deposit is required to reserve a space for the upcoming year.

Code of Conduct

During the next few years, your student will grow personally, academically and professionally. He or she will make some very difficult decisions, some of which may have severe consequences. We also understand that mistakes will be made and that not every action is intentional.

Student Conduct is designed to provide fair, firm, and consistent adjudication of students who have violated the university's code of conduct. The philosophy of the office is that its policies are an extension of the university’s educational mission. By holding students accountable for their actions and imposing consequences, their educational and personal growth is enhanced.

Our code of conduct is outlined in the Charlotte Student Handbook. We encourage both parents and students to review the information.

As a parent, it’s important that you understand the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which defines and protects your student’s rights once he or she is registered for classes. FERPA limits the information with respect to your student's educational record that we can share with you. Even if the student signs a consent form, the information that you may be allowed to review will be limited. However, we are allowed to share information if the incident relates to drugs, alcohol, or a life threatening situation. Please refer to the handbook for a more detailed explanation of FERPA.

A student’s conduct file may remain part of his or her educational record for seven years. During this time the university may receive background checks from internal departments and external potential employees. If your student is interested in transferring schools, we may also receive a request for records by the respective school. Your student may not be eligible for academic programs such as SWAP, internships, study abroad, etc., if he or she has a conduct file.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Student Conduct at 980-598-1820.